You can manage your thesis in the Studies / Degree thesis menu.

If your department makes the subject application available in the study system, you can use the Start new application button to view the subject selection periods announced by the institution and the available topics within them. The Interval data button on the right-hand side of the page displays the period details.
The topics announced for the selected period appear by clicking the Filter list button after the period is selected. The Interval data button on the right hand side displays the details of the period.
On the screen appearing after pressing the button, the student can register for the published thesis topics, or can register an individual topic too.
The valid degree thesis periods can be viewed by clicking the X icon in the Period field of the screen.
The topics announced for the selected period appear by clicking the Filter list button after the period is selected. The Interval data button on the right hand side shows the details of the period.
First the thesis period must be selected in the Period field, but the student can filter for type, or can enter topic, module or tutor in the search field. The topics corresponding the filtering conditions are listed after pressing the Filter list button.
The following columns appear:
Topic and title
The Module column contains the modules (training, major details) of the student for which the topic was published.
The topic details can be viewed by clicking the X icon in the row of the topic:
Application max. headcount
Maximum headcount
Department code
Clicking on the Apply button at the end of the row will open a pop-up window where you can enter the application elements required by the institution (e.g. a topic plan). Once the application is submitted, a new thesis line is created in the Degree thesis menu. If the thesis topic application is accepted, the Application accepted status will be displayed with a checkmark. The student will be informed about this in a system message.
If your institution is conducting the thesis topic selection outside the study system, the thesis line will be created in the Degree thesis menu when the administrator registers the selected topic in the student’s training.

In Thesis writing status, the Start a request for admission button becomes available.
By sending the admission request, the student can indicate to the instructor that they would like to request admission of the thesis, after which the thesis document can be uploaded.
After clicking on the Start a request for admission button, a statement may be displayed and the admission request will be sent if you accept it. Also based on institutional settings, the Confidentiality window may appear, where a declaration of confidentiality of the thesis is required. A confirmation message informs you that the admission request has been sent.
Afterwards, a checkmark will be added next to the Thesis writing status. and the thesis line will change to Waiting for admission. When the admission request is accepted (or rejected) by the instructor, the student will receive a system message and the status will change accordingly: if the admission request is rejected, it will be returned to Thesis writing and if the admission request is accepted, it will be turned to Upload.

If the thesis row is in the Upload status and there is a thesis upload period based on institutional settings, you can start uploading the thesis by clicking the Upload degree thesis button.

If your faculty requires you to accept certain declarations online before uploading, the Declaration pop-up will appear first. Acceptance of these declarations is mandatory.
Before uploading, you must declare the confidentiality of the thesis (Article 59 and 60 of the Code of Studies and Examinations).
Please contact the Faculty's Registrar’s Office/Study Department for more information on the procedure of thesis confidentiality.

Once the required declarations have been accepted, the Upload degree thesis pop-up window is available. The lines marked with an asterisk are mandatory. You can upload your thesis in PDF format to the Thesis / Dissertation line. If, due to faculty preferences, statements are not completed online before uploading, but must be attached to the thesis, they can be uploaded on the Thesis appendix line.
When you click on the Ready button, the completed data will be saved and a confirmation message will be displayed if the upload was successful.
After the degree thesis has been successfully uploaded (the uploaded thesis document is visible in the thesis line), the thesis line will change to the status Judgement, and the thesis will be visible to the assigned evaluator(s). Then, when a review is uploaded by a reviewing tutor, the line will change to the status Judged.

In the Judged state, the interface displays the details of the reviewers and the results of their assessment. The Download all reviews downloads the evaluators’ uploaded reviews.