The Register for subjects menu is available from the drop-down menu on the left, or from the Subject main menu. Subject registration is a two-stage admission procedure: you must register to a subject and a course at the same time. Thus, in the list of subjects displayed, you can access additional courses under a subject, from which you must choose one or more to successfully register.
Multiple filters help you to select the right subjects during subject registration. First of all, the Term filter narrows down the subjects that can be taken for the current semester. You can also filter the results by subject type, subject code/name, curriculum, subject group, language, recommended term, course lecturer, course code, class date interval. If the Keep additional filters open checkbox is not ticked, it is worth checking in later semesters whether a filter criterion (e.g. an interval) is stuck in the search, which would prevent the new search from returning all results.
The Subject type filter divides the range of subjects into three groups:
- Subjects from curriculum: this is linked to the Curriculum filter, which can be used to narrow down the list to compulsory or optional subjects required in the training. During the course of your training, you may have to take subjects from more than one curriculum.
- Other elective subjects: In this case, you can take electives from the optional subjects connected to your curriculum, rather than from the main curriculum. A certain percentage of the required number of credits can be taken without any curricular constraints. The filter narrows down the list to the electives offered by the faculty - if the faculty of the training does not provide for electives, there will be no match.
- All other subjects in the institution: independent of the curriculum, it includes subjects offered by other faculties. It is therefore possible to take a course from any faculty of the University in the elective credits.
It is particularly useful to use the Subject group filter, since the curricula consists of subject groups based on their scope or compulsory nature.
Based on the criteria set in the filter, the program displays the subjects that can be registered by clicking on the Search subject button. The results can be sorted alphabetically, recommended semester, registration type and credits. The list will also show subjects that have been previously completed if the View completed subjects checkbox in the filter panel is ticked.
The search results will show the title, registration type, credit value, code and subject group of the advertised subjects. In the subject row, different icons indicate if the subject has already been taken, has been added to the planner, is on the waiting list or is in the process of being registered.
You can view more results by clicking the Load more button at the bottom of the page. The Top of page button navigates back to the top of the list.
You can see more details about each subject by clicking Subject details. The Download syllabus button downloads the current semester’s syllabus for the subject in PDF format. In the subject details, you can see all subject data, offered courses, previous results of the subjects (if you have them).
You can open the subject’s row by clicking on it. In the open position, you can see all offered courses for the subject. The courses’ code, class schedule, course type, lecturer, current headcount and headcount limit is displayed. You can view more information about each course by clicking the Details button next to it.
At the end of each row, the Add to planner toggle can be used to add a chosen course to your class schedule planner. Adding a course to the plannor does not mean succesfull registration to the course, but it can assist in planning your entire timetable. A push notification will notify of the success or failure of adding the course to the planner.
To register for a subject, you need to click the Take subject button after selecting a course for the subject. Only one registartion can be started at the same time, but you can immediately start a new registration afterwards. You will receive a push-notification for every registration started. The notification details the reason if the registration was unsuccessful.
Regulations for Subject and course registration
As a general rule for course types, one of each type is compulsory for successful registration. For example, if a course is taught with one lecture and one seminar in the semester, it is compulsory to select one lecture AND one seminar course from the courses offered.
An exception is an examination course, for which it is sufficient to take only that course. Faculty rule applies to the registration of an examination course. In general, only those who have already fulfilled the examination requirement for the subject may be admitted, but it is the faculty's competence to determine this specifically.
The general rules and specific special provisions for faculty are set out in the Code of Studies and Examinations and can be obtained from the Faculty Registrar’s Office/Study Department. One such faculty rule is that preference in admission is given to students who take the course in the semester recommended by their curriculum, i.e. who follow the curriculum. Or preference is given to students who complete a teacher reviews.
Subject registration is only possible in subject registration periods, which can differ based on Faculty. Each Faculty’s registration periods are set in their academic calendar.
It is also a rule to take into account the prerequisites of curricula. In these cases, the subject may be taken only if their prerequisite has been fulfilled.
Class schedule planner
Although subject and course registration is only possible during the specified period, you can plan ahead. In this case, the class schedule planner function of the study system collects the courses you want to add, and then you can add courses from the planner with a few clicks once the registration period starts.
You can open the Class schedule planner from the bottom left corner of the Register for subject menu. The planner can be displayed in weekly, monthly and list view. In the weekly and monthly view, only courses that have timetable information are displayed.
You can switch between dates in the top right corner, the Today button displays the current week/month. The ... menu next to the Today button allows you to clear all courses from the planner with a single click, or to set the weekends to be displayed in the planner - this is particularly important for courses with a blocked schedule.
Course exchange
It may be the case that several courses of the same type are offered under the same subject, from which one must be chosen. The choice can be changed later without the student having to withdraw from the course. To do this, click on the Course exchange button in the Register for subject menu under the subject’s title. You can then tick the checkbox next to the courses of the subject to select the course you want to change to, and then click on the Course exchange button to drop the previously added course, at the same time register for the the selected course.