Oktatói segédlet

Az alábbiakban a Neptun Tanulmányi Rendszer PTE-re szabott használati útmutatóját adjuk közre oktatóink számára. A szükséges adminisztrációs tanulmányi folyamatokhoz találnak egy videót és egy kiegészítő rövid leírást. Az oldalsó tartalomjegyzékben a keresett folyamatra kattintva, azonnal a témára ugorhatnak. Amennyiben van olyan Neptun funkció, folyamat, amelyhez szükséges további, vagy részletesebb leírást adnunk, kérjük, jelezze nekünk a neptun@pte.hu címen.

In Neptun version 2023.2, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available, the use of which is mandatory for all users working in teaching positions from August 31, 2023 to log in to Neptun. The setting of 2FA for students is highly recommended.

The new password policy will require a minimum length of 12 characters for the PTE user accounts (compulsory items: capital letter, small letter, number, special character) and the repeating of the last 10 passwords will be forbidden. With the use of PTE Central Authentication you have access to several university services with your user name (Neptun/EHA code) and its password, which will be affected by the change of password.

The Neptun's messaging functionality works just like other messaging applications. The users can communicate with each other in the system and the system itself also sends informative messages. The users can set to receive these system messages at their e-mail accounts as well.

How to use the educational system: reaching the site - managing personal data - editing contact information - other manuals

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Az oktatóknak lehetőségük van évközi feladatokat kiírni a kurzus hallgatói számára. A feladat kezelés lehetővé teszi az hallgatók évközi teendőinek adminisztrációját és értékelését. 

The Neptun Education System starts operating at 10 a.m., Tuesday, 17 November, 2015. From this date the new web interface of Neptun is available on the following site: neptun.pte.hu
On entering the Neptun web interface a login screen appears, on which we can login by selecting the identifier (EHA code) and the relating password.

As the introduction of any new systems, the launch of Neptun also requires patience and understanding from the users of the university.
According to the received feedback, the students of the University of Pécs handled the temporary lack of education system with patience and cooperation.
We would like to thank you for this in the name of the project management of Neptun Launch Project and also thank you in advance for your supportive attitude following the operation of the system.

The Neptun system will be unavailable due to database maintenance from 5 April 2024 (4 p.m.). Expected restart: morning of 8 April 2024 (Monday).

The aim of this website is to help your navigation on the interface of the new electronic education system of the University of Pécs. We hope that you will find answers to your questions. Several similarities and differences might be noticed between the Neptun system, which is the new electronic education system and the ETR, which is the previous registration system. However, navigation on a new web interface is never easy. Beside the presentation of the usage, we provide the opportunity for you to send your suggestions regarding further development of the education system. We hope that both new development opportunities and previously customary solutions will provide you a pleasant user experience.

Dear Users! The Neptun web service is temporarily unavailable.

Colleagues are working to eliminate the error. We thank you for your patience and understanding.


Levél Csapda