Student guide

Below you can read the user guide tailored to Neptun PTE. By clicking on the information you are looking for in the table of contents, the page immediately jumps to the topic. If there is a Neptun function that you cannot find, or if you would like to read a more detailed description, please write to us at

How to use the educational system: reaching the site - managing personal data - editing contact information - other manuals

(Content being uploaded…)

Students have the possibility to pay tuition fee or other charges through Neptun System. By clicking the menu of „Finances” , „Payment” the unpaid items will appear. If imposing items is allowed for students in your institution, the "Transcribe item" link is available below the filter section, found directly below the height of the "List" button, on the left side of the page. When clicking it, a popup window appears, in which you may transcribe a payment obligation for yourself. Item data is to be entered in order, one by one, selecting required settings from dropdown menus. For further information about the meaning of settings and the rules concerning various payment obligations please consult the Registrar’s department at your institution. First you have to select the payment title (e.g. service title, which may be a separate procedure or late fees) because additional fields will appear according to the title then. With the help of a term-selector button you can transcribe IV (repeat exam) fee both for the term before the current one or for the next term as well. At services title you can select the “Every semester” option from the term selection field, thus you can choose from subjects of all your terms at related subjects. In this case, the term of the imposition item will always be the current term. (The reason for this, e.g. specified student imposition for subject re-registration and the related subject registration check, prohibition.) In case of repeat exam and service titles the institution may require selecting the subject from the “Subject” drop-down menu (for easy identification the subject code also appears after the subject name). In case of service title this depends on the service type. If you have set everything correctly, then click on the “Create item” button. The system provides feedback whether the imposition was successful or not, and then on the “Payments” tab after setting the filters correctly the transcribed item will immediately appear among your active items. The name of the imposition item will be the fee type belonging to the payment title (e.g. within service title, the name of an item transcribed with “Deadline omission fee" fee type will be "Deadline omission fee"). The payment process is the same as the normal payment process. DELETING ITEMS In Neptun, students can only delete unpaid items transcribed by themselves, but not items transcribed by administrators, lecturers of the institution or generated by the system. Accordingly, if the student would delete an item subscribed by someone else, the program prevents the operation and a warning message notifies him/her that only own item can be deleted. After marking the check boxes in the list of the items to be deleted, click "Delete" button at the bottom of the page.

You can pay the different fees (tuition fee, repeat exam fee, service fee, etc.) and other items online via the Neptun educational system.

Information on the change of the electronic administration system - [CooSpace] -
With the launch of Neptun, Coospace and Modulo will be also replaced, and similarly to ETR, these systems will not be accessible either through the change-over period nor after that. That is why we asked the professors to upload every learning material and document on CooSpace until October 26, 2015, so students can download these materials before the shutdown of ETR, October 30, 2015. Instead of CooSpace and Modulo a new system will be introduced on November 17, 2015, called as Neptun Meet Street, which is a similar system to Neptun. It is important to know that Neptun is built up in a module pattern and the modules will be accessible from the interface of Neptun as one single system.

In order to start the training, enrolment is necessary once after admission to the university. In this case, the accepted students fill in an enrolment request via the educational system, in which they check, modify and complete their data and make the necessary statements in order to start their studies. The student status is created through the acceptance of this request. Registration is the process, which shall be repeated in every semester; a statement has to be made on the activation or passivation of the semester.

You can find four tabs on this interface, and in this first, “Personal data” tab you can view your basic personal data (e.g. address, name, citizenship, tax identification number, date of birth, educational identifier etc,) and here you are allowed to edit them by clicking the “Modify data” button. On the Personal data interface, below the second "Permanent/Temporary student card" tab, permanent and temporary student card data are displayed. By clicking the "Options" icon at the end of the line you can view the data of the decal and possible identity card belonging to the certain student card. Under the third, "Records" tab on the Personal data interface, your official documents are shown that have been uploaded to the system. Here you have the opportunity (if your institution authorizes it) to upload a new record/records and modify or even delete the existing data as well. Under the fourth, “Preference” tab on the Personal data interface, such data are displayed of you, by which you may receive preference on a certain field that is determined by the institution. This could be the recording of deficiency. You can enforce your modification intention according to the institutional limitations. Your data displayed here are crucial as they are required, among others, to the administration of tax relief for fees, of scholarships or of availing you with social security services, so you are requested to modify them only in justified cases. By clicking on the menu of Personal Data, Data modifications, you can see your previously sent data modification requests. In the "Accepted" column you can see whether a request has already been accepted or not.

The student may request a full or partial refund of the fees and charges already paid and registered in the educational system if the student did not use the service or only used a portion of it. This tutorial will show the steps of this process.


Levél Csapda